The LaCasera Company is a soda producing company in the Food & Drink industry in Nigeria. They were making good sales and expanding gradually however, they discovered that the majority of their consumers only drank LaCasera while in transit — they purchased the drink from roadside vendors and drank it in their cars, in public transport (buses) or on the road side. These consumers weren't exactly keen on drinking LaCasera in the comfort of their homes.
The LaCasera Company decided to expand its reach and positioning like their competitors (Coca Cola, Pepsi, etc.) and they contacted Ringier Digital Marketing (RDM) to help. RDM responded by running different digital campaigns, such as the "New Look Campaign", the Dance Challenge, the Singing competition, and more to help The LaCasera Company achieve its goals.
Social Media Ads (the graphics needed to run digital campaigns on different social media platforms).
Lead Graphic Designer on the LaCasera brand at RDM.
Illustrator, Photoshop
For each campaign, the account manager and I had brainstorm sessions to come up with ideas on what kind of posts to create that would help achieve the goals of that specific campaign. It certainly helped that the account manager already had a general idea of what direction she wanted to go so most of our discussion revolved around the design of the creatives. However, in some cases, the account manager just sent over the brief via Trello detailing what kind of creatives she needed and I designed them accordingly.
Using various photo manipulation techniques, I created several mockups of the LaCasera drink in different scenarios to show the drink's versatility. The goal was to show the customers that LaCasera could be consumed in more ways than they were accustomed to.
I also worked on some regular ads/posts as well as ads/posts for the holidays and various campaigns such as "New Look Campaign", the Dance Challenge, the Singing competition and more.